Crypto Profit/Loss Calculator

Calculate cryptocurrency profit/loss for your crypto investments

Investment Amount
Crpyto Coin Amount
Profit / Loss
$468.51 (%46.8511)
Investment Fee
Total Amount

How to calculate profit or loss using our calculator?

Our cryptocurrency profit & loss calculator (PnL calculator) is very easy to use, here's the steps:

  • Insert how much you invested in "Investment Amount" field.
  • Insert how much the coin price was when you invested in "Initial Coin Price" field, or select a coin from the "Select a coin" dropdown to fetch current cryptocurrency price.
  • Insert how much the coin price was when you selled it in "Selling Coin Price" filed
  • And finally insert the investment fee in percent in "Investment Fee"
  • In the cards you will see your investment amount, coin amount based on how much you invested, profit/loss, investment fee and total amount. When the profit/loss number is green means profit, when red it's loss.

Basic tips for investing in cryptocurrency

  • First rule in crypto, Never invest more than you can afford to lose.
  • DCA (Dollar-cost averaging), this method is used in crypto trading to beat the volatility, by investing equal amounts at regular period of time no matter what the price of the crypto you're byuing.
  • DYOR (Do your own research), before investing and spending your money make sure you research the project and make the decision on your own before investing.
  • Stick to the assets that survived during hard times, for example Bitcoin and Ethereum survived many bear markets.
  • A hardware wallet is your best friend, invest in one. I recommend using Ledger or Trezor.
  • Never share you seed phrase with NO ONE, if you shared the seed pharse with someone else, they're no longer your assets because now they have access to them.
  • In conclusion, investing in cryptocurrency can seem intimidating. however, if you apply basic fundamental and common sense and you stick to the good projects, you'll find that crypto isn't overwhelming as you thought.

Frequently asked questions

Is Profit/Loss Calculator Only For Cryptocurrencies?

No, you can calculate profit or loss for cryptocurrency or stock market etc.

How to calculate Profit/loss?

Let's say you bought 1.23 bitcoin for $30,135. The price of bitcoin is now $47,354. Your profit is: (47,354 * 1.23) - 30,135 = $28,1104, To know your pure profit substract your investment price by 28,1104 will be equal to $8,95565 which is your pure profit.

Where does the prices of cryptocurrencies come from?

We fetch cryptocurrency prices from CoinGecko.